Infinite Machine exists to make the most compelling non-cars on earth. P1, our first product, is a radical new personal electric vehicle, pairing a cutting edge industrial design with breakthrough performance and utility. We envision a post-car future, where our cities, nature, and humans flourish together.

A Post Car Future

Over the past 100 years, cars have shaped the landscape around us. Look around any city or town around the world and you’ll notice our true architecture: billions of cars, anywhere they can fit. And while cars have been a remarkable technology for industrial progress over the past century, it is time for a new era.

The future of transportation is not giant electric pick up trucks. We need smarter tools for our transportation needs and dreams. A future beyond cars promises freedom, better living for everyone, and unadulterated fun. It’s better for the planet too.

It’s also what the planet needs. Cars—even electric ones—consume enormous amount of energy to produce and to run, and they take up a ton of space. Most cars on a congested road have just a single occupant in them.

At Infinite Machine, we believe that the best way to move past cars is to make inspiring alternatives to them. That is the animating spirit of our company. P1, our first product, is our first step in this mission. We could not be more excited to shape this future with you.

Inspired by New York

Infinite Machine was conceived and designed with New York City as its muse: coursing energy, fierce creativity, brutal elegance. A wild mix of imagination and grit. We created P1 to be the ultimate tool for navigating this city. Cut through traffic, park anywhere, charge anywhere.

Visit Our Showroom

To visit our New York headquarters, contact us at